Salam Charity UK News/Blog | Uganda Mobility Project


Uganda Mobility Project

In Uganda, 4.5 million people have a disability – ranging from hearing difficulty to physical impairment.

What impact does this have on their lives?

People with disabilities often struggle to access education, housing, and employment. It can be a severe impediment to life, particularly for those who are already living beneath the poverty line (around 19% of the population).

We set out to develop a project to increase the opportunities for some of these people.

What are we doing to help?

Our Ugandan partners told us about people who are surviving without the wheelchairs which they urgently need.

Providing wheelchairs allows these people to become more independent, improving their self-esteem and confidence. It enables them to access employment opportunities, care for their dependants, and go to work or school. A wheelchair doesn’t take up much space – but it makes a massive impact.

Our partners identified people whose lives would be dramatically changed if they were able to get about more easily. And we gladly kick-started a mobility project. So far, we’ve delivered 18 wheelchairs to people in Uganda.

How can you help?

Could you donate a wheelchair? It costs £150, but the benefits are priceless!

Please give what you can to support this life-changing project.

PS: This is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses alike. If you’d like a letter of thanks to display in the office, contact us directly!

Yes. I can help one more person to lead an independent and fulfilling life.

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