Salam Charity UK Appeals | Water

Overview: Addressing the Global Water Crisis

With over 40% of the world grappling with water scarcity, and a staggering 2 billion plus individuals lacking access to safe drinking water, our mission extends to vulnerable communities in Pakistan, Ghana, Uganda, and Bangladesh.

Our focus on providing clean water not only satisfies a basic human need but serves as a transformative project with far-reaching impacts. Beyond facilitating essential activities like drinking and livestock care, a reliable local water supply eliminates the necessity for arduous journeys, allowing communities to engage in work, attend school, cultivate crops, and maintain better health.

Our commitment extends beyond well construction; it involves empowering local communities by imparting the skills to manage their water supply, fostering self-reliance, and contributing to our overarching mission of eradicating poverty.

Our Objectives: Tackling Water Scarcity

In our global fight against water scarcity, we aim to:

  • Ensure Accessible Clean Water:
    Provide safe, accessible, and sufficient water sources to address the critical issue of water scarcity.
  • Hygiene Promotion:
    Promote good hygiene practices through awareness programs and the distribution of water containers and soap.
  • End Open Defecation:
    Combat open defecation through awareness campaigns and the provision of accessible facilities, targeting the 673 million still affected.
  • Enhance Climate Resilience:
    Build community resilience against climate change, equipping them to face environmental challenges with sustainable solutions.

Key Facts

  • Safe Drinking Water Inaccessibility Persists:
    A stark reality unfolds as 2.2 billion people worldwide still lack access to safe drinking water, emphasizing the ongoing urgency to address this fundamental human need.
  • Widespread Lack of Safe Sanitation:
    Nearly half of the global population grapples with the absence of safe sanitation facilities, highlighting a pervasive challenge that demands collective and immediate attention.
  • Handwashing Facilities Unavailable for Two Billion:
    A staggering two billion people lack access to handwashing facilities with soap, underscoring the critical importance of promoting basic hygiene practices for improved public health.
  • Open Defecation Remains a Challenge:
    Despite progress, 419 million people persist in practicing open defecation, reinforcing the need for sustained efforts to eliminate this unhygienic practice and promote improved sanitation worldwide.


Salam Charity has successfully implemented Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects across various countries, including Ghana, Uganda, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Despite progress, the prevalence of consuming stagnant and unsanitised water persists globally, contributing to severe health issues and exacerbating societal challenges. Notably, 80% of those fetching water are often children or women who should ideally be engaged in education or work. To ensure targeted impact, our local partners conduct meticulous site assessments before initiating comprehensive surveys. In 2023, our efforts resulted in the installation of mechanical borehole wells and solar-powered electrical wells strategically placed in close proximity to communities in need, fostering sustainable access to clean water in Ghana, Pakistan, Uganda, and India.



In the aftermath of the February earthquakes that ravaged Turkey and Syria, causing the destruction of over 1,000 buildings, our dedicated teams swiftly deployed 7,500 emergency hygiene kits. These vital kits, thoughtfully curated, encompass essentials such as disinfectant, soap, laundry detergent, bin bags, and sanitizer. Beyond providing immediate relief, these kits play a crucial role in safeguarding displaced families against water-borne diseases like Cholera and mitigating the risks of COVID-19. Our rapid response aims not only to address the immediate needs of those affected but also to contribute to their long-term health and well-being.

One well will provide fresh, naturally filtered water to around 1,000 people in the local community. Each well is engineered to last for a minimum of 20 years, making it a substantial and enduring investment.

The cost to build a deep water well varies depending on type and location:

  • Uganda – Shadoof Water Well: £600
  • Uganda – Deep Water Well: £1,200
  • Uganda – Solar Powered Water Well (including a 5000L storage tank): £3,500
  • Pakistan – Solar Powered Boreholes: £1000
  • Bangladesh – Deep Water Well: £1,400
  • Ghana – Deep Water Well: £1,400
  • Ghana – Electric/Solar Powered Water Well (including a 5000L storage tank): £6,000

In instances where a community possesses an old or disused well, our commitment extends to rehabilitation efforts, ensuring its restoration to serve local residents. Our dedicated local teams diligently identify vulnerable communities requiring assistance and deliver tailored support. Pricing for rehabilitation projects varies based on the unique characteristics of each well in question, reflecting our adaptable approach to revitalising crucial water sources.