Salam Charity UK Appeals | Emergency Afghanistan
Emergency Afghanistan


A series of devastating earthquakes ripped through Herat in Afghanistan on Saturday night leaving thousands dead and many more missing as survivors desperately searching for their loved ones.

Salam Charity are already on the ground responding to the emergency and providing vital essentials to help the victims of the disaster. The immediate response will be to ensure that the survivors have food and water and a place to sleep. We will be providing much needed:


Salam Charity have launched an emergency appeal to support those affected by the earthquake and are working with international partners to deliver your donations and much-needed assistance.

Just £50 can help us provide vital:

  • Food/Water
  • Blankets/Bedding
  • Hygiene kits


  • Magnitude: 6.3
  • Villages destroyed: 20
  • Total population: 10213
  • Injured: 2440 people
  • Death: 2500 people
  • Houses destroyed: 1983

Previous Work


Salam Charity is on the ground with our partners in Lebanon, to provide food, healthcare and shelters to those who have been affected by the recent explosion. We will be offering medical attention by supplying qualified medical staff who will administer first aid and primary healthcare.


The worst monsoon rains, in almost a century have hit the country severely, causing thousands to become homeless, leaving hundreds dead and facilities in a dire state. Our team on the ground was able to reach those parts of Karachi heavily affected by the flood, providing thousands with some respite.


Famine is devastating the country leaving millions without food and causing serious damage to the most vulnerable. Global Hunger Index indicates an alarming rate of food insecurity. Yemen is facing a catastrophe beyond anything that we can imagine. We have several projects in Yemen covering food, shelter, water and education.

Case Study

Thanks to your kind donations and ongoing support we were able to distribute food parcels to the destitute people of Yemen.

The area of Taiz has seen continuous fighting and it is the innocent civilians that suffer the most. We were able to get into the area with our longstanding partners and distribute lifesaving food parcels to 1,000 people.

We helped 200 families living in the worst conditions, many of which were suffering from acute malnutrition. They were supplied with culturally sensitive food packs that fed them for over a month. Each pack contained rice, pasta, oil, sugar, flour and other vital essentials.