Salam Charity UK Blogs
Vocational training for young people in Bangladesh Salam Charity’s new project is helping school drop-outs to learn relevant skills to...
18 July 2024
1,500 children following their dreams At Dream School, children from vulnerable backgrounds in Bangladesh can catch up on basic skills,...
17 July 2024
Delivering aid in Jordan In May 2024, a team of volunteers travelled to Jordan with Salam Charity. In one intensive...
10 June 2024
Life-changing Surgery for Khetam Last month, our team met Khetam – a Palestinian refugee whose whole family is battling ill...
Creating sustainable change in Uganda Breaking the cycle of poverty means equipping people to make change. In Uganda, our small...
06 March 2024
A lamp in the darkness: 2023 in our world Trucks filled with food. Clinics stocked with free medication. Safe water...
01 March 2024
Fundraising from the top of a 160ft crane On 14th January 2024, a nervous group of dedicated supporters waited to...
£253k raised at the Vocal Arts Festival 2023 In December 2023, Salam Charity sponsored the Vocal Arts Festival – a...
In January, our team of 15 runners completed the Marrakech half-marathon, lapping the city’s historic ramparts. Thanks to their devotion...
On Saturday 3rd December, our Ladies’ Night was a smash! More than 100 guests gathered at The Grand Botanical in...
28 December 2022