Where we work | Yemen
Salam Charity


In Yemen more than 21 million people, including 11 million children, are in desperate need of food, shelter and medical aid.

It’s estimated that only half of the country’s health facilities are functioning, with most lacking basic equipment and supplies; this means that every day, 144 children die from preventable causes. Damage to schools has also disrupted education, leaving more than 2 million children out of school.

Factors such as conflict, economic decline, and the global pandemic have compounded the dire situation in Yemen. The numbers are horrifying.

  • 2.3 million children under the age of five (almost one in four children) will suffer from acute malnutrition
  • 46% of the population does not have access to clean water (CIA World Factbook, 2012)
  • 60% of the population lives on less than £1.40 per day (World Bank Data, 2017)
  • 144 children die every day from preventable diseases (UNICEF, 2016)

A recent report estimated that 1.3 million people will die by 2030, and that 70% of those deaths would be caused by loss of livelihoods, rising food prices, and the deterioration of health and education services.

We cannot stand by and allow this to happen.


At Salam Charity, we have set up a number of emergency projects, with a sustainable emphasis, to contribute to a brighter future to the people of Yemen.

Life-saving Food Packs

We deliver food packs to vulnerable families; each one will feed 6 people for a month. The packs cost just £60 and contain essential staples including rice, oil, flour and sugar. This project delivers critical nutritious meals to families in Yemen.

Orphan Sponsorship

Working with partners on the ground, we have identified 100 children under the age of five who require immediate medical treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). These children will receive treatment from the hospital and their families get a food pack and additional support.

Solar Wells

Unsafe drinking water has caused an outbreak of cholera, with more than 1 million suspected cases and nearly 1,500 associated deaths. In response, we are stepping up our campaign to build Solar Wells. They’re environmentally friendly as well as being more financially and operationally efficient. A solar well gives water many times every day, providing clean and safe supplies to hundreds in the local community. Safe water is also vital to the agricultural industry, which employs more than 90% of the population.

Contribute towards a food pack, medical treatment or solar well – donate to our
