Salam Charity UK News/Blog | Khetam

Life-changing Surgery for Khetam

Last month, our team met Khetam – a Palestinian refugee whose whole family is battling ill health. Here is her story.

Khetam urgently needed surgery

Khetam is a bright and courageous young woman who was born with a deformity on her leg. As she grew up the situation worsened and she was waiting to have surgery in Gaza, but her family was forced to escape.

Arriving in Egypt, Khetam sought medical advice and her doctor told her that if she didn’t have surgery urgently, she would lose the ability to walk. However, the family was struggling to pay for rent and utilities in Egypt and could not raise the funds to cover Khetam’s surgery.

At home, Khetam’s younger sister is wheelchair-bound, and both parents suffer from heart conditions.

Our volunteer team filmed interviews with Khetam and posted her story online, asking for support. In less than 2 days, we received enough donations to cover Khetam’s surgical care (£8,000).

New hope for Khetam

Khetam’s surgery was booked for Tuesday 21st May. Thanks to our supporters, she was able to receive a comprehensive care package from one of the finest orthopaedic teams in Egypt. After a successful operation, Khetam is now recovering well. Follow us on Instagram for updates about Khetam and other families in need.

Sponsor families in need

Our teams meet hundreds of people from Gaza and elsewhere, identifying those who could benefit from long-term sponsorship or one-off medical grants (or both).

This means that you can become a real lifeline for those in need. The money raised in our Emergency Campaign will pay for essential aid (such as food and medical supplies) as well as a cash fund which is used to relieve individual suffering.

Donate to our Emergency campaign.