Lebanon Deployment September 2022
Our work


Volunteering in Lebanon, September 2022

Type of campaign

Volunteering in Lebanon, September 2022

Regions covered

Beqaa Valley / Arsal in Lebanon

Projects undertaken

Food Packs – 300 families (600 boxes) Bread Bags – 1050 Families (2100 bags)
Baby Milk / Nappies – 50 families (3 of each)
Kids’ Shoes – 48 pairs
Hot Meals – 200 families (approx. 1000 people)
Tent Rehabilitation – 6 Large tents
Orphan clothes shopping – 50 orphans
Hygiene Kits (M/F) – 100 (50 men & 50 women)
Family Visits – 11 (all families sponsored for 1 year)
Recycling Workshop
TukTuk Follow-up
Orphan Fun Day

Campaign objective

The Deployment program gives volunteers the opportunity to take part in our projects, increasing empathy and awareness. The experience spreads understanding about Salam Charity’s work and its impact. It allows volunteers to see what it takes for projects to become a reality, as they observe the implementation process and take part in it from start to end. The aim is to create ambassadors for the cause and to educate volunteers on the realities that impoverished / displaced people face. Volunteers are able to hear directly from the beneficiaries and learn about their struggles for support or stability.


Syrian / Palestinian / Lebanese communities (Widows / Orphans / Disabled / Injured / Impoverished people)


7 days


Why we've funded this campaign

Through the deployment program we have raised funds that are used to maintain our projects and support families in need for a long period of time.


What is the objective?

We organize these deployment trips to raise funds and awareness about the situations that people are facing and to respond to any urgent or apparent needs in the communities we serve.

Online Video

Who does this campaign help?

It showcases the fantastic projects we have set up and highlights cases where our intervention has saved, changed, or improved people’s lives. It also sheds light on the continued needs of the people in the affected areas where we work

How has the campaign been going?

The September campaign went really well, with new records set for raising the largest amount for an emergency campaign in a 24-hour period (over £30,000).

Did the campaign encounter any obstacles?

On the day of our arrival, a security breach took place in the area where work was planned, so the plan had to change and a new location was selected.

How has this campaign changed lives?

During the trip, many of the family visits highlighted a need for urgent medical care or relocation. These families all received sponsorship, medical assessments, and (where appropriate) treatment and equipment to support their needs.

What’s next for this campaign?

The deployment program is one of our strongest projects. It will continue in conjunction with our winter campaign, where up to 100 volunteers will join us in our emergency response.