Salam Charity UK News/Blog | Help Us Build A Well


Help us build a well

How do wells change lives?

More than 2 billion people are still drinking unsafe water. Can you help us to help some of them this year? Our Water Projects bring clean water to entire communities. People all over the world lack access to clean water. In Ghana, 59% of the population can’t get safe water to drink or give to their children. A basic water service covers 86% of the country, but many people – especially in the poorest regions – have to walk more than 30 minutes per day to collect water which is not sanitised. It’s often stagnant and ridden with bacteria.

We think that clean drinking water is a basic human right. When people are unable to access clean water, they suffer from many subsequent problems:

First, they’re more likely to get serious, water borne diseases like Cholera. In poor communities, health facilities are also scarce, which means many people can die from contaminated water.

Second, the lack of clean water affects animals and crops, who depend on safe water for growth and success.

Finally, the journey to attempt to find clean water is usually made by women and children. It’s often very far and can be unsafe. The women and children spending their time doing this could, instead, be earning an income, caring for their families, or getting an education.

How we’re working to bring clean water to the developing world

Salam Charity has built wells in Yemen, Ghana, Pakistan and Bangladesh, identifying vulnerable communities before installing wells complete with mechanical or hand pumps to make their lives safer and simpler.

In 2022, we built 128 wells and boreholes, which will supply almost a million litres of clean water each year (934,000).


In the village of Tamale in Northern Ghana, more than 1,000 people were living without access to safe water. The nearest water source was 5km away: an arduous walk which was made daily by women and children. Our partner organisation told us that they needed more than emergency aid – this community needed sustainable solutions to help improve overall health and survival. Team Salam visited the area and consulted with local engineers to select a suitable location and design for a water source. In 2023 we built a well for Tamale. It’s a 150 metre borehole with a mechanical water pump. It’s easy for the villagers to reach and now provides clean water to around 1,000 people every day. Even better? This water well should keep going for at least 20 years!


Spreading awareness can also help to protect people from water related disease. For example, in 2022 there was a Cholera outbreak in Lebanon. Our teams delivered over 300 hygiene kits to the local community. These contained handwash, chlorine water treatment, disinfectant, santiser, and advice leaflets.

The clean water project: our objectives

As a Muslim charity, our objectives are guided by our values. We’re building wells for communities in the developing world, where we work without discrimination.

Our aims are:

  • Providing safe clean water to the most vulnerable communities.
  • Promoting good habits through hygiene awareness sessions and WASH facilities.
  • Working to end open defecation (currently practiced by around 494 million people) by promoting awareness and providing better facilities.
  • Increasing community resilience so they’re prepared for the issues caused by pandemics or climate change.

Donate Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions

Donating towards water solutions like a hand pump or mechanical borehole isn’t glamorous, and it doesn’t sound dramatic.

But a water project can transform lives in an entire community. It doesn’t just save them from avoidable diseases; it enables them to efficiently feed their animals and water their crops.

Water is so precious. Help us to give this valuable gift to more people all over the world. Make a water donation and we’ll direct your Sadaqah jariyah to the next well-building project.

How much does it cost to build a well or water pump?

Clean water is priceless. It’s essential for life and health. So how much does it cost to bring to one family in Ghana?

One standard, deep water well with bucket extraction costs £1400 to install. It will provide clean water to 1,000 people – that’s £1.40 per head.

Not £1.40 per day.

£1.40 per person, or £7 for a family of five. For around 20 years of clean water.

Could you spare £14 to help us bring clean water to two families today?

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